2024-09-02 陳澤義教授於2024年9月2-3日參加日本慶應大學所舉辦的第..
刊登時間:2023-04-18 13:38:35
日期 | 演講題目 | 演講者 | 演講者職稱 | 照片 |
2023/9/20 | 企業永續的機會與挑戰 | 吳中書 | 台灣經濟研究院董事長 | 下載 |
2023/9/27 | 世界經濟情勢與產業發展焦點 |
林建甫 |
中信金控首經濟學家 台大經濟系名譽教授 |
下載 |
2023/10/4 | 銀行普惠金融經營分享 | 張焜泰 | 凱基銀行個人金融總處副總經理 | 下載 |
2023/10/11 | 科技創新與環境變遷 | 唐漢光 | 致新科技發言人 | 下載 |
2023/10/18 | 國際企業數位轉型之XR科技應用實例 | 彭淑卿 | XRA台灣實境科技創新發展協會秘書長 | 下載 |
2023/10/25 | 企業永續發展的趨勢和現況 | 朱竹元 | 優槳地續服務股份有限公司董事長 | 下載 |
2024/2/27 | 我在天普大學的日子 | 徐子涵 | 海龍星有限公司負責人 | 下載 |
2024/5/22 |
跨文化溝通? 我的海外工作經驗分享 |
謝君嵐 | 全國維他命有限公司 | 下載 |
日期 | 演講題目 | 演講者 | 演講者職稱 | 照片 |
2022/9/21 | 如何以人工智慧技術實踐地球永續 | 謝宗震 | 詠鋐(股)執行長 | 下載 |
2022/9/28 | 如果人生可以重來,我要如何規劃碩士生活 |
汪剛霆 |
台灣大學博士生 | 下載 |
2022/10/5 | 當通膨遇到烏俄戰爭還有綠天鵝正迎面撲來 | 黃昭棠 | 華南永昌投信董事長 | 下載 |
2022/10/12 | FINTECH新金融時代金融科技的創新大未來 | 鄭宗宜 | 光濟科技(股)執行長 | 下載 |
2022/10/19 | NO-code AI平台加速數位化轉型飛輪 | 余常任 | 杰倫智能科技業務總監 | 下載 |
2022/10/26 | 國際觀?從不只吸收片面資訊開始.我的海外工作經驗分享 | 謝君嵐 | 勞發署企業紓困課程講師 | 下載 |
2022/11/2 | 從疫情時代的跨國企業數位轉型 | 錢鉦津 | 叡揚資訊處長 | 下載 |
2022/12/6 | 銀行實務經驗分享 | 陳家力 | 台灣企銀理財專員 | 下載 |
2023/5/24 |
追求有選擇的人生道路 - 從窒礙對抗轉為流暢有愛 |
廖忠賢 | 宇川精密材料科技股份有限公司財會部協理 | 下載 |
日期 | 演講題目 | 演講者 | 演講者職稱 | 照片 |
2021/10/6 | 疫情下的危機與轉機 | 鍾宛錡 | 誠品人力資源處協理 | 下載 |
2021/10/13 | 區塊鏈產業的現況與未來發展趨勢 | 吳鎮宇 | Synergisa Financial Management | 下載 |
2021/10/20 | 銷售,人生 | 文經武 | 安弗施無線射頻系統 東北亞區域總經理 | 下載 |
2021/10/27 | BlueSeeds芙彤園 | 詹茹惠 | BlueSeeds芙彤園創辦人 | 下載 |
2021/11/10 | 2022年全球金融市場展望 | 曾家宏 | 富邦期貨協理 | 下載 |
2021/11/17 | 疫情下的經理人專業成長之路 | 唐漢光 | GMT致新科技發言人 | 下載 |
2022/01/04 | 在跨國公司工作與外國人相處的生存法則 |
Laura Ahlheid 敖馨郁 |
台大外文系兼任講師 | 下載 |
2022/3/10 | 這些我在美國的日子 | 謝國耀 | 美國第一資本金控公司資料工程師 | 下載 |
2022/4/13 | 森活圈-泛娛槳商圈世代潮流下循環商機 | 賴信明 | 創森科技執行長 | 下載 |
日期 | 演講題目 | 演講者 | 演講者職稱 | 照片 |
2020/9/23 | 運氣的解析與掌握對策 | 洪堯棟 | 喜禾祥投資管理顧問公司執行長 | 下載 |
2020/9/30 | 區塊鏈如何影響我們的生活 | 吳阮弘 | 好萊塢電影投資公司HollyGOLD合夥創辦人兼CEO | 下載 |
2020/10/7 | 在台灣的日商以及日商企業文化 | 李秀青 | 富積電子股份有限公司品質保證部經理 | 下載 |
2020/10/14 | 青年人的創新創業平台 | 梁賓先 | 華苓科技股份有限公司董事長 | 下載 |
2020/10/21 | 如何成為企業所需要的國際人才 | 鍾宛錡 | 誠品生活人力資源處協理 | 下載 |
2020/10/23 | 庫泥燒的國際經營模式 | 林金德 | 弘鶯陶創意發展執行中心經理 | 下載 |
2020/12/1 | 鳳梨金磚打開國際市場 | 張志文 | 微熱山丘張志文經理 | 下載 |
2020/12/9 | 疫情危機下挑戰式的目標形成與管理 | 孫詰洋 | 長榮航空總經理 | 下載 |
2020/12/29 | 經理人在「經理」些什麼 ? - 溝通、協調與『不是我的我』 | 謝君屏 | 創見資訊總管理處處長 | 下載 |
2021/1/5 | 共同基金ETF與個人理財 | 黃昭棠 | 元大投信總經理 | 下載 |
2021/3/23 | Volatility Transmission from Equity, Bulk Shipping, and Commodity Markets to Oil ETF and Energy Fund —A GARCH-MIDAS Model | 林靖 | 前台銀證券董事長 | 下載 |
日期 | 演講題目 | 演講者 | 演講者職稱 | 照片 |
2019/9/18 | 2019 ETF關鍵報告 | 黃昭棠 | 元大投信總經理 | 下載 |
2019/9/25 | 從3C產品銷售模式─談資訊服務業的特質:以NOVA為例 | 傅峰林 | NOVA副總經理 | 下載 |
2019/10/2 | 人生轉彎處 | 孔祥科 | 光璞生技公司董事長 | 下載 |
2019/10/23 | 科學研究之學習與態度 | 毛筱艷 | 中國文化大學教授 | 下載 |
2019/11/6 | 企業經營成功之道 | 洪堯棟 | 洽福實業股份有限公司董事總經理 | 下載 |
2019/11/13 | PIPE and Board Independence | 許景嵎 | 國立雲林科技大學助理教授 | 下載 |
2019/12/12 | 文化創意與國際經營 | 劉風華 | 北京復特文化傳播有限公司 | 下載 |
日期 | 演講題目 | 演講者 | 演講者職稱 | 照片 |
2016/9/14 | 全面啟動職涯輔導 | 張千雲 | 修平技術學院院長 | 下載 |
2016/9/14 | 全球文化感知力 | 林子晴 | 臺北大學通識中心教師 | 下載 |
2016/9/21 | 中國大陸十三五規劃推動(優化現代產業體系)策略對兩岸產業競合的意涵 | 劉孟俊 | 中華經濟研究院第一所所長 | 下載 |
2016/10/5 | 新形勢下的台灣機會與挑戰 | 林建甫 | 台灣經濟研究院院長 | 下載 |
2016/10/19 | 品牌經營管理與企業文化形象之塑造 | 任立中 | 台灣大學國企系教授 | 下載 |
2016/10/24 | Renminbi Market | 葉俊傑 | 國票證券協理 | 下載 |
2016/10/25 | 預約未來的你 | 盧克文 | 宏達電行銷副總經理 | 下載 |
2016/10/26 | 行為財務學新趨勢 | 莊文議 | 台灣大學財務金融系教授 | 下載 |
2016/10/27 | 國企人的四個對]的管理原則 | 朱黃傑 | 台灣大哥大總經理 (台灣固網與HTC監察人) | 下載 |
2016/11/1 | The Innovative CSR and Sustainable Development in Europe | Rene | 德國科隆商學院教授 | 下載 |
2016/11/15 | 認識金融職場與職涯規劃(與通識中心合辦) | 陳嵩榮 | 104資訊科技股份有限公司副總經理 | 下載 |
2016/11/22 |
把握當下、擁抱未來 (與資訊管理研究所合辦) |
吳嘉欽 | 永豐投信總經理 | 下載 |
2016/12/7 | 智慧產業大未來-台灣發展智慧產業之前景與建議 | 許建隆 | 關貿網路公司董事長 | 下載 |
2016/12/28 | 所友經驗分享(1)-成功的意義 | 陳志強 | 美利樂食品 | 下載 |
2016/12/28 | 所友經驗分享(2)-多多嚐試,不會無勞而返 | 許欣瑋 | 中央大學(副校長室) | 下載 |
2016/12/28 | 所友經驗分享(3)-來去Boston任我行 | 柯王強 | 美國波士頓大學雙聯學位 | 下載 |
2017/5/23 | 互聯網+時代文創企業策略創新 | 李康化 | 上海交通大學博士 | 下載 |
日期 | 演講題目 | 演講者 | 演講者職稱 | 照片 |
2015/9/23 | 區域經濟整合趨勢對台灣的挑與因應 | 王健全 | 中華經濟研究院副院長 | 下載 |
2015/9/30 | 央行貨幣政策&金融市場走向 | 葉俊傑 | 國票證券協理 | 下載 |
2015/10/14 | 企業社會責任與公民社會 | 邱靖博 | 證券暨期貨發展會總經理 | 下載 |
2015/10/21 | Short-Sale Constraints and Option Trading : Evidence From Red SHO | 周冠男 | 政治大學財管系教授 | 下載 |
2015/11/4 | 公司治理面面觀 | 朱黃傑 | 宏達國際電子監察人 | 下載 |
2015/11/11 | 利用零售數據捕捉消費者的健康型態 | 任立中 | 台灣大學國企系教授 | 下載 |
2015/11/24 |
不容錯過的一堂課:工作生涯規劃 (與通識中心合辦) |
盧克文 | 宏達電行銷副總經理 | 下載 |
2015/11/24 |
如何成為理想的獵物 (與資訊管理研究所合辦) |
徐嘉利博士 | 杭特公司董事長、台大兼任教授 | 下載 |
2015/12/1 |
學習的關鍵動力 - 你的人生目標 (與學務處合辦) |
彼得辛普森 | 澳洲墨爾本Yaranila學校董事長 | 下載 |
2015/12/30 | 所友經驗分享(1)-快速消費品產業行銷 | 黃于真 | 嬌聯有限公司行銷 品牌經理 | 下載 |
2015/12/30 | 所友經驗分享(2)- 思辨與行銷 | 張雅婷 | BENQ 產品經理 | 下載 |
2016/1/6 | 所友經驗分享(1)-美國波士頓大學雙聯學位 | 楊甯伊 | 美國波士頓大學雙聯學位 | 下載 |
2016/1/6 | 所友經驗分享(2)-美國波士頓大學雙聯學位 | 柯王強 | 美國波士頓大學雙聯學位 | 下載 |
2016/1/6 | 所友經驗分享(3)- 華東師範大學交換學生 | 曹瑞雪 | 華東師範大學交換學生 | 下載 |
2016/5/2 | 商業倫理,社會責任與領導力 | 黃海峰 | 北京大學匯豐商學院教授 | 下載 |
日期 | 演講題目 | 演講者 | 演講者職稱 | 照片 |
2014/9/18 | 迪士尼的感動魔法-當IBM遇上文化創意產業 | 陳俊良 | 台北藝術大學教授 | 下載 |
2014/9/18 | The Trend of Recommendation System – The Application from e-marketing to e-banking | 林靖 | 台北大學國企所教授 | 下載 |
2014/09/24 | 兩岸自由貿易 | 林建甫 | 台大經濟系教授 | 下載 |
2014/10/1 | 國際企業領航力-以影響力通往全世界 | 陳澤義 | 台北大學國企所教授 | 下載 |
2014/10/15 | 國際企業 | 林靖 | 台北大學國企所教授 | 下載 |
2014/10/22 | 企業實習 | 邱銘乾 | 家登精密董事長 | 下載 |
2014/10/28 | 創新與創業 | 許建隆 | 華揚創業投資股份有限公司 | 下載 |
2014/10/29 | 價值創造與品牌行銷 | 陳厚銘 | 台灣大學國企系教授 | 下載 |
2014/11/05 | The Effects of Margin Changes on TAIFEX | 周冠男 | 政治大學財管系教授 | 下載 |
2014/11/12 | 所友經驗分享 - 行銷分寸 | 余敬柔 | NPIC亞洲區行銷代表 | 下載 |
2015/4/21 | 所友經驗分享 - 行銷人的生活 | 余敬柔 | NPIC亞洲區行銷代表 | 下載 |
2015/4/21 | 所友經驗分享 - 關係行銷的志業 | 許杰 | 玉山銀行專員 | 下載 |
2015/4/21 | 所友經驗分享 - 亨受工作中的樂趣 | 許欣瑋 | 中央大學秘書 | |
2015/5/4 | The Global Competition of Semiconductor Industry | 蕭灌修 | 新竹科學園區管理局副局長 | 下載 |
2015/6/9 | 綠色經濟與經濟轉型 | 黃海峰 | 北京大學教授 | 下載 |
日期 | 演講題目 | 演講者 | 演講者職稱 | 照片 |
2013/09/25 | 落實價值創造:新產品開發開始 | 陳梧桐 | 工研院IEK 跨領域研究群 總監 | 下載 |
2013/10/2 | 客家文化營造 | 吳德棋 | 客家文化發展中心 藝文展演組組長 | 下載 |
2013/10/9 | 跨國企業管理實務探討-以銀行為例 | 林樹源 | 金鼎證券董事長 | 下載 |
2013/10/23 | 財富管理全球觀點 | 江春薇 | 渣打銀行 分行經理 | 下載 |
2013/10/30 | 顧客為公司管理之資產嗎 | 周建亨 | 文化大學國企所所長 | 下載 |
2013/11/20 | 全球金融及經濟危機的成因與未來 | 周行一 | 政治大學財務管理學系教授 | 下載 |
2013/11/13 | 國際化與全球布局 | 陳厚銘 | 台灣大學國企所教授 | |
2013/11/06 | 國際互動中的文化敏感度 | 洪堯棟 | 福壽實業總經理室顧問 | 下載 |
2013/12/09 | 文創產業國際化 | 黃海峰 | 北京大學教授 | 下載 |
日期 | 演講題目 | 演講者 | 演講者職稱 | 照片 |
2012/9/26 | 歐債危機與世界經濟分析 | 林建甫 | 台大經濟所教授 | 下載 |
2012/10/03 | The Effectiveness of Position Limits Evidence from the Foriegn Exchange Markets | 周冠男 | 政治大學財管系教授 | 下載 |
2012/10/17 | 追求職家融合 | 陸洛 | 台灣大學工商管理學系教授 | 下載 |
2012/10/24 | 韓國如何邁向文創大國 | 洪慶峰 | 行政院顧問 | 下載 |
2012/12/05 | Institutional Reform and Corporate Governance Efficiency in Emerging Ecomomies | 連勇智 | 台灣大學國際企業學系教授 | 下載 |
2012/12/12 | 國內衍生性商品發展狀況 | 邱榮澄 | 元大寶來證券執行副總 | 下載 |
2012/12/19 | Brand Community Participation in Taiwan: Examing the Roles of Individual-, Groups-, and Relationshiplevel Anticedents | 黃恆獎 | 台灣大學國際企業學系教授 | 下載 |
2012/12/26 | 國際化中的談判英語 | 陳彥豪 | 國際談判及同步翻譯中心主任 | 下載 |
2013/01/02 | 貨幣政策與金融危機 | 吳中書 | 中華經濟研究院院長 | 下載 |
日期 | 演講題目 | 演講者 | 演講者職稱 | 照片 |
2011/9/28 | 全球經貿趨勢與資料蒐集解讀 | 林建甫 | 台大經濟所教授 | 下載 |
2011/10/5 | 文化創意產業 | 許淵國 | 傑作陶瓷董事長 | 下載 |
2011/10/12 | 2011/10/12 Behavioral Finance Intrduction with a Focus on Emotion | 周冠男 | 政治大學財管系教授 | 下載 |
2011/10/19 | 培養行銷實戰力 | 汪維之 | 達方電子總經理 | 下載 |
2011/12/7 | 半導體產業趨勢與家登精密介紹 | 邱銘乾 | 家登企業董事長 | 下載 |
2011/12/14 | 管理績效評估方法介紹 | 邱永和 | 東吳大學商學院院長 | 下載 |
2011/12/21 | 從行銷思潮典範移轉論當代策略性資料庫行銷之研究與發展 | 任立中 | 文化大學商學院院長 | |
2011/12/28 | Asian Investors' Overconfident Trading Behavior | 莊文議 | 台灣大學財金系教授 | 下載 |
2012/1/4 | 效率模型之假說與介紹 |
日期 | 演講題目 | 演講者 | 演講者職稱 | 照片 |
2010/9/29 | Bidders’Strategic Timing of Acquisition Announcements and the Effects of Payment Method on Target Returns and Competing Bids | 周冠男 | 政治大學財管系教授 | 下載 |
2010/10/6 | 公司治理與企業經營 | 邱靖博 | 中華民國證券暨期貨市場發展基金會總經理 | 下載 |
2010/10/13 | ECFA簽署後兩岸經濟新局探討 | 林建甫 | 台灣大學經濟系教授 | 下載 |
2010/11/17 | 人工智慧演算法於時間列序模型之整合 | 黃日鉦 | 東吳大學資管所助理教授 | 下載 |
2010/11/24 | 交易策略實務 | |||
2010/12/8 | 我的財務金融生涯中的奇妙之旅 | 謝劍平 | 中華投資股份有限公司董事長 | 下載 |
2010/12/15 | DEA-三階段與supply-chain分析 | 邱永和 | 東吳大學商學院院長 | 下載 |
2010/12/22 | 關係行銷探討 | |||
2010/12/29 | 財金趨勢 | 李吉仁 | 台灣大學國際企業系教授 | 下載 |
2011/1/5 | The Economic Value of Volatility Timing Using a Range-based Volatility Model | 周雨田 | 政治大學財務管理學系 |
日期 | 演講題目 | 演講者 | 演講者職稱 | 照片 |
2009/9/23 | 台灣經濟發展的過去、現狀與展望 | 林建甫 | 台灣經濟人文社會高等研究院副院長 | 下載 |
2009/9/30 | 金融海嘯下危機管理之因應之道 | 徐正冠 | 厚生橡膠董事長 | 下載 |
2009/10/7 | Local Sports Sentiment and the Returns and Trading Behavior of Locally Headquartered Stocks: A Firm-Level Analysis | 周冠男 | 中央大學財金系教授兼系主任 | 下載 |
2009/10/14 | DEA效率分析與軟體應用 | 邱永和 | 東吳大學商學院院長 | 下載 |
2009/12/2 | 統計在管理研究上扮演的角色 | 丁承 | 交通大學經營管理研究所教授 | 下載 |
2009/12/9 | 危機談判與處理 | 張國忠 | 東華大學國際企業學系教授 | |
2009/12/16 | Basic Understanding of China | 李紹唐 | 連營科技總經理 | 下載 |
2009/12/23 | 從行銷思潮典範移轉論當代策略性資料庫行銷之研究與發展 | 任立中 | 台灣大學國際企業系教授 | |
2009/12/30 | 經濟現況與管理趨勢 | 周行一 | 政治大學財務管理學系 | 下載 |
日期 | 演講題目 | 演講者 | 演講者職稱 | 照片 |
2008/9/24 | 財富管理新紀元 | 吳狄 | 磐石財富管理總經理 | 下載 |
2008/10/1 | Who Is the More Overconfident Trader? Institutional Investors versus Individual | 莊文議 | 國立臺灣科技大學財務金融研究所專任助理教授 | 下載 |
2008/10/8 | Reliability Assessment by Using CFA | 丁承 | 國立交通大學經營管理研究所教授 | 下載 |
2008/10/15 | 交易策略管理與實務 | 黃建華 | 寶碩財務科技總經理 | 下載 |
2008/10/22 | 能源與綠色產業之探索 | 邱永和 | 東吳大學商學院院長 | 下載 |
2008/10/29 | 信用評等與產業發展 | 施敏雄 | 寶碩財務科技董事長 | 下載 |
2008/12/24 | 國際化與全球布局 | 陳厚銘 | 台灣大學國企所教授 | 下載 |
2008/12/31 | 2008全球金融及經濟危機的成因與未來 | 周行一 | 政治大學財務管理學系教授 | 下載 |
日期 | 演講題目 | 演講者 | 演講者職稱 |
2007/9/26 | 「富爸爸致富密碼」理財講座 | 蔡錦城 | 中華保險與理財規劃人員協會第五屆理事長 |
2007/10/3 | 財經資料達人 | 林建甫 | 台灣大學人文社會高等研究院副院長 |
2007/10/17 | A Successful Exchange | 黃乃寬 | 臺灣證券交易所企劃研究部協理 |
2007/10/24 | 投資理財實務 | 陳凌鶴 | 寶來集團新金融商品處總經理 |
2007/10/31 | 資訊揭露評鑑與企業經營管理 | 邱靖博 | 中華民國證券暨期貨市場發展基金會總經理 |
2007/12/12 | 資產管理與策略創新 | 劉宗聖 | 寶來集團投信總經理 |
2007/12/21 | 關係資本在國際策略聯盟績效中的角色 | 陳澤義 | 國際企業學系教授兼系主任 |
2008/1/2 | Life理財學 | 周行一 | 政治大學商學院院長 |
研究生 | 論文題目 | 指導教授 | 摘要下載 |
林雨彤 | The Impact of Google Search Volume Index on Stock Returns of Tourism and Hospitality, and Shipping and Transportation Industry: A Study of Taiwan’ s Covid-19 Lockdown Lifted |
蕭榮烈 |
下載 |
鍾佳瑩 |
陳澤義 |
溫湘葶 | The Impact of Google Search Volume Index on the Returns of Holding Companies: An Example of Listed Companies in Taiwan Stock Exchange and Taipei Exchange |
蕭榮烈 |
下載 |
李承穎 | The Impact of Investor Attention on Stock Returns and Volatility of Taiwan 50 Index:An Analysis of Quantile Regression |
蕭榮烈 |
下載 |
陳姿吟 | Key Investment Decision Factors of Shipping Bonds under Regional Risk Events - Hybrid Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Analysis | 林靖 | 下載 |
張珮綺 | The Spillover Effect of Investor Sentiment on the Stock Return and Volatility: The Case of the Indonesia, U.K., U.S., and Taiwan | 涂登才 | 下載 |
林采諠 | How Search Engine Marketing Influences Brand Engagement: Brand Awareness and Brand Image as Intermediate Variable |
陳澤義 |
下載 |
王翰威 | Key Decision Factors for Investigating the Investing Performance of the Brent Crude Oil Index-Analysis of a Composite Multi-Criteria Decision Model | 林靖 | 下載 |
莊佩璇 | Exploring the Customers’ Intention to Adopt Artificial Intelligence-Driven Mobile Banking in Taiwan and Thailand |
涂登才 李佩芳 |
下載 |
陳建升 | The Influence of Negative Elements and Religion on Consumers’ Intention to Purchase Sustainable Goods in Indonesia |
李佩芳 |
下載 |
涂登才 |
下載 | |
阮菁商 | A Study of Scarcity Marketing Affects Attitudinal Loyalty and Behavioral Loyalty |
陳澤義 |
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徐子涵 | Research on the Value Destruction Value Formed by Multiple Interactive Behaviors in the Live Shopping Platform - Mediated by negative relationships |
陳澤義 |
下載 |
研究生 | 論文題目 | 指導教授 | 摘要下載 |
山田展聖 | The K-pop popularity investigation in Taiwan and Japan – the moderating effect of cultural traits |
李佩芳 |
下載 |
阮俊樺 | How Google Advertisement Attracts Consumers Buy to Action On Electronic Products. |
陳澤義 |
下載 |
王詠晴 | Study on Innovation Resistance towards Digital-only Bank by Traditional-bank Customers in Taiwan |
林靖 |
下載 |
馮品璇 | Financial Contagion of Bitcoin by Cross-Market Leading Indicators- MIDAS GARCH Analysis Method |
林靖 陳達新 |
下載 |
魏曦妍 | Exploring TSMC's Stock Price Volatility Spillover Indices Using GARCH-MIDAS Model - Perspectives from Sustainability Report | 林靖 | 下載 |
袁繶涵 | Analysis of the Impact of Multiple Factors on International Stock Markets’ Co-Movements | 蕭榮烈 | 下載 |
胡嫚云 | The Impact of the US Unlimited Quantitative Easing Policy and Federal Funds Rate Raise on Exchange Market Pressure in Emerging Countries |
蕭榮烈 |
下載 |
徐嘉晨 | The Effect of Sustainable Elements on Travel Intention to the Offshore Wind Farm Featured Destination | 李佩芳 | 下載 |
陳逸軒 | Financial Contagion of Sentiment Proxies, International Commodity Market and Bulk Shipping Market to US Listed Bulk Shipping Company's Stock Price - An Empirical Analysis of MIDAS GARCH |
林靖 陳達新 |
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簡伯穎 | The dynamic relationship among USA financial markets during Covid-19 period. |
蕭榮烈 涂登才 |
下載 |
林莓珊 | The Spillover Effect of Risk Shocks on the Stock Price Volatility of Multinational Shipping Companies – MIDAS GARCH Empirical Analysis |
林靖 |
下載 |
李家儀 | The Relationship Among Investor Sentiment, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Stock Price Performance in Taiwan Stock Market |
涂登才 |
下載 |
研究生 | 論文題目 | 指導教授 | 摘要下載 |
謝國耀 | Nonlinear Interactions, Volatility Spillovers and Smooth Transition Effects among Stock Price, Exchange Rate and Investor Sentiment: An Application of STVEC-STGARCH Model and Evidences from Taiwan |
劉祥熹 |
下載 |
黃雅玟 | Influence of Micro-celebrity Endorsement on Subsequent Brand Attachment: From Emotional Connection Perspective |
陳澤義 |
下載 |
林念涵 | Investigating EPU, EMU, and VIX Spillovers Effects on Taiwanese Spot and Futures Markets – A MGARCH Model Analysis |
蕭榮烈 涂登才 |
下載 |
張家榕 | Exploring the Key Decision-Making Factors of Investing in Shipping Companies in Seasoned Equity Offerings ---Financial Experts' Perspective | 林靖 | 下載 |
林欣璇 | The Impact of News-based Uncertainty on the U.S. Agricultural Commodity Spot and Futures. | 蕭榮烈 | 下載 |
陳泓文 | Spurious Herding Behavior and Intentional Herding Behavior: Evidence from the U.S. and Chinese Stock Markets | 蕭榮烈 | 下載 |
林子玄 | Exploring the Volatility Spillover Effect of Inter-Markets Factors on the Cryptocurrencies Market |
林靖 陳達新 |
下載 |
曾翊程 | The Spillover Effect of the Inter-Market Shipping Freight Index on the Stock Price Volatility of Multinational Shipping Companies | 林靖 | 下載 |
許婕明 | Strengthen the intention of electronic word-of-mouth through communication features - YouTube case | 陳澤義 | 下載 |
紀辰頤 | Explore how the marketing activities of various types of social media affect brand trust: Brand knowledge as intermediate variable | 陳澤義 | 下載 |
謝秉均 | Correlation in Cryptocurrency Market: Evidence from DCC-GARCH Model |
蕭榮烈 涂登才 |
下載 |
研究生 | 論文題目 | 指導教授 | 摘要下載 |
吳紹維 | The Influence of US EPU and Categorical Policy Uncertainty on Stock Markets of the Four Asian Tigers |
蕭榮烈 |
下載 |
蔡翠聯 | The Impact of US Economic Policy Uncertainty on S&P 500 and Futures Markets. |
蕭榮烈 |
下載 |
林汝謙 | The Key Decision-Making Factors of Shipping Bond Investment Performance-Using Fuzzy DEMATEL Method | 林靖 | 下載 |
戴勇誠 | Exploring the Volatility Spillover Effects of China’s Commodity Futures and Shipping Indexes on the Stock Prices of Chinese Related Companies | 林靖 | 下載 |
王筱雯 | The influence of auditory on attitude toward advertising-An investigation on Podcast advertising | 李佩芳 | 下載 |
戴志丞 | Investigating the consumer's purchase intention of experiential gifts based on popularity claims | 陳澤義 | 下載 |
孫若恩 | Impulse Purchase Intention on Higher-Priced Products | 李佩芳 | 下載 |
林彥伶 | Exploring influences of scarcity appeal on gift-giver perceived uniqueness | 陳澤義 | 下載 |
江璟屏 | Exploring the Key Factors of Online Fake News Affecting the Stock Price of Vaccine Companies by Using a Fuzzy DEMATEL Method | 林靖 | 下載 |
徐佳祺 | Applying DIT Theory to Measure Ease of Use of Mobile Applications in Social-Commerce | 涂登才 | 下載 |
馬千又 | Exploring the Sustainable Performance of Taiwan’s Banks by Using a MCDM Model During COVID-19 | 林靖 | 下載 |
楊雨琳 | How does live video streaming affect customers’ purchase intention? From the perspective of perceived value | 陳澤義 | 下載 |
研究生 | 論文題目 | 指導教授 | 摘要下載 |
楊閎安 | How Gamification Affordance Influence Engagement Behavior: The Case of Cross Border Electronic Commerce Platform |
林靖 |
下載 |
李佳禎 | Exploring engagement marketing of brand resonance in a social networking brand community |
林靖 |
下載 |
陳家力 | The Impact of Economic Policy Uncertainty on Exchange Rate Co-movements: Evidence from Global Foreign Exchange Markets | 蕭榮烈 | 下載 |
徐荷雅 | How does Scarcity Influence Purchase Intention? An Investigation on Co-branding Products | 李佩芳 | 下載 |
吳佳蓉 | The Impact of Old Products and New Ideology on Consumers’ New Product Purchase Intention | 李佩芳 | 下載 |
黃柏毅 | Analysis of The Impact of China's Foreign Exchange Market on ASEAN Foreign Exchange Markets under US-China Trade War | 涂登才 | 下載 |
陳映如 | Safe-Haven and Hedge Currencies for BRIC: An Approach of Threshold Regression | 蕭榮烈 | 下載 |
郭伯軒 | The Asymmetric Impact on Asian Stock Markets Under the US-China Trade War | 涂登才 | 下載 |
符子華 | An empirical analysis of shipping finance indicators and financial market’s volatility spillover: An Approach of GARCH MIDAS | 林靖 | 下載 |
李芳瑀 | Influence of Parasocial Interaction Relationship between Internet Celebrities and Their Followers on Followers’ Impulse Buying Behavior | 陳澤義 | 下載 |
鄧偲 | Exploring the Impact of Omni-channel Properties on Consumer Behaviour | 陳澤義 |
研究生 | 論文題目 | 指導教授 | 摘要下載 |
鄭為尹 | Trust and gamification impact on usage behavior in Mobile banking | 林靖 | 下載 |
張簡仲勛 | A Study on the Degree of Internationalization and Its Determinants of Taiwanese Banking Industry: Cultural Affinity/Liking as an Additional Role in Country-Institution Specific Factor |
蕭榮烈 | 下載 |
林軒榆 | Volatility Spillovers, Long Memory, Asymmetric Effects and Interactions among Stock Markets of the US, Japan, UK, Taiwan and China: The Contagion Effect and Application of FIEC-HYAPGARCH -DCC Model |
陳澤義 | 下載 |
The Effect of Facebook Native Advertising and Call to Action (CTA) on the Advertising Recognition: A Case of Mobile Device
下載 |
The Effects of Options Moneyness and Trade Duration on Information Content - Evidence From Taiwan Options Market
下載 |
Using Behavior Learning Mechanism to Explore Gamification feature driven customer Co-creation in the online platform
陳澤義 李佩芳 |
下載 |
汪剛霆 | How the Stories Feature Based on Users’ Diverse Perspectives on Instagram Affects Coping Behavior and Consequent Effects | 陳澤義 | 下載 |
莊雅筑 | Relation Between Taiwan Investor Sentiment and Stock Returns: From the Perspective of Excess Volatility | 蕭榮烈 | 下載 |
張崇德 | Investigating the Factors Affecting Consumers' Willingness to Click Mobile Advertising |
李佩芳 | 下載 |
吳芷霖 | Co-movements between China, US and Asian Stock Markets under US-China Trade War from Aggregate and Sectoral Perspective: An Approach of STC-GARCH Model | 蕭榮烈 | 下載 |
章德耘 | Examining the Factors Influencing Consumer’s Intention to Use Mobile Payment: A case study in QR code Mobile Payment | 李佩芳 | 下載 |
研究生 | 論文題目 | 指導教授 | 摘要下載 |
郭世堯 | Trump Tax Cuts and Shareholder Wealth: Considering the Effects of Share Repurchases and Corporate Social Responsibility | 池祥麟 | 下載 |
陳憶如 | The Impact of the U.S. Quantitative Easing Policy on Exchange Market Pressure in Emerging Markets |
蕭榮烈 | 下載 |
施亞彤 | The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Media Marketing on Customer Citizenship Behavior. |
涂登才 | 下載 |
The Study of Trust-based Crowdfunding Investor Decision-making Model in Crowdfunding Platform: The Perspectives of Investor
下載 |
Investor Sentiment, Excess Returns and Excess Trading Volume: An Empirical Study in Taiwan’s Stock Market
下載 |
Using Cognitive Information Effect of Website Cues to Examine the Effect on E-loyalty | 陳澤義 | 下載 |
The Moderating Effect of Socially Responsible Human Resource Management on the Relationships between Organizational Identification and Employee Task Performance, Ethical Behavior, and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors | 林俊佑 | 下載 |
尤威鈞 | The Operational Performance Analysis of Banking Sector in Financial Institution Based on Bibliometric Analysis and Hybrid-MCDM Model | 林靖 | 下載 |
王亞柔 | Using Expanded SED Model to Examine the Effect of Limited Edition Strategy | 陳澤義 | 下載 |
謝國耀 | Nonlinear Interactions, Volatility Spillovers and Smooth Transition Effects among Stock Price, Exchange Rate and Investor Sentiment: An Application of STVEC-STGARCH Model and Evidences from Taiwan |
劉祥熹 | 下載 |
裴賢善 | A Study on E-commerce Enterprises Ethics of Taiwanese Cultural Creative Industry | 涂登才 | 下載 |
陳柏亨 | Research on the Motivation of Consumers Purchasing Social Enterprise Products | 吳雪伶 |
下載 |
黃麒倫 | Customer Engagement in Tour Personalization:The Case of Tourism Industry in Taiwan |
林靖 |
下載 |
研究生 | 論文題目 | 指導教授 | 摘要下載 |
孟傑納 | A Study on the Volatility Spillovers, Long Memory, Asymmetric Effects and Interactions between Central America and the US Stock Markets: The Contagion Effects of Special Events and Application of FIEC–FIAPGARCH–DCC Model | 劉祥熹 | 下載 |
柯王強 | A Study on the Degree of Internationalization and Its Determinants of Taiwanese Banking Industry: Cultural Affinity/Liking as an Additional Role in Country-Institution Specific Factor |
劉祥熹 | 下載 |
陳建勳 | Volatility Spillovers, Long Memory, Asymmetric Effects and Interactions among Stock Markets of the US, Japan, UK, Taiwan and China: The Contagion Effect and Application of FIEC-HYAPGARCH -DCC Model |
劉祥熹 | 下載 |
The Effect of Facebook Native Advertising and Call to Action (CTA) on the Advertising Recognition: A Case of Mobile Device
下載 |
The Effects of Options Moneyness and Trade Duration on Information Content - Evidence From Taiwan Options Market
涂登才 |
下載 |
Exploring Dysfunctional Customer Behavior through Distrusting Beliefs and Intention –The Empirical Study of Wei-chuan’s event in Taiwan based on TRA | 林靖 | 下載 |
The Effect of The Value of Financial Flexibility on M&A Announcement: Difference-in-difference Approach on Taiwanese Listed Acquiring Companies | 蕭榮烈 | 下載 |
楊紫吟 | Whether virtual currency can be a hedge or a safe haven to financial markets? An example of CNY-denominated Bitcoin. |
蕭榮烈 | 下載 |
丁捷軒 | Investigation of Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Performance: An Empirical Study in Taiwan’s Banking Industry |
涂登才 | 下載 |
研究生 | 論文題目 | 指導教授 | 摘要下載 |
朱家嫺 |
The impact of the value of financial flexibility on M&A announcements: An example of Taiwanese listed companies | 蕭榮烈 | 下載 |
Exploring Analysis of the Impact of Brand Value in Strengthening the Relationship Value: The Study of Airline Industry in Taiwan
下載 |
Exploring Consumer’s Netizenship Behavior– Empirical Study of Social Commerce Websites
下載 |
Exploring the Influence of Stimulus on Online Impulse Purchase from the Perspective of Consumers’ Affect: The Case of Online Sporting Goods Stores | 陳澤義 | 下載 |
The Application of Social Identify Theory to Brand Citizenship Behavior: An Empirical Study of Social Networking Sites in Taiwan | 林靖 | 下載 |
沈靖雲 | A Study on the Determinants for International Relocation of Production: Evidence from Taiwanese Firms Investing in China | 劉祥熹 | 下載 |
羅文君 | Exploring the Impact of Website Environmental Cues on Online Impulse Purchase Intention and Cross-buying Intention through Perceived Cognition: The Case of Online Apparel Shopping Platform | 陳澤義 | 下載 |
張祐瑋 | The impact of personal traits, age and domain knowledge on Decoy effect |
陳澤義 | 下載 |
黃郁霖 | Exploring the Impact of Self-Service Technology on Brand Equity through Expectation Disconfirmation Theory—The Empirical Study for Kiosks of CVS Channel in Taiwan |
林靖 | 下載 |
鄭祥霖 | The internationalization of the RMB and the spillover effect of China |
蕭榮烈 | 下載 |
林哲逸 |
An Investigation of Dynamic Spread and Depth Adjustment Process: Empirical Evidence from Taiwan Stock Exchange |
涂登才 | 下載 |
楊紫吟 | Whether virtual currency can be a hedge or a safe haven to financial markets? An example of CNY-denominated Bitcoin. | 蕭榮烈 | 下載 |
研究生 | 論文題目 | 指導教授 | 摘要下載 |
黃品璇 |
The Effect of the Recommendation Systems on Customers' Brand Attitude towards Full-Service Restaurants
陳澤義 | 下載 |
康家瑜 | Investor sentiment and feedback trading of Chinese stock markets: An approach of bivariate EGARCH model |
蕭榮烈 | 下載 |
Using consumer’s emotional state to examine the effect on impulse purchase: The case of department store industry
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Exploratory Analysis of the Impact of Experiential Marketing and Limited-Edition Product Marketing to Consumer’s Perception: A Case of Smartphone Industry
劉祥熹 |
下載 |
李昱潔 | The Impact of Online Community Features and Consumer Attitude on Customer Citizenship Behavior |
林靖 | 下載 |
李亭韋 | Use financial antecedent to discuss how perceived switching value influence to customer loyalty |
林靖 | 下載 |
Relationship between O/S and hedging performance:Evidence from global futures and stock markets | 蕭榮烈 | 下載 |
Exploratory analysis of cross-buying and procrastination behavior on life insurance agency
林靖 | 下載 |
李雨璇 | Explore the Impact of E-purchase on Inertia based on the Perspective of Consumer Trust: The Case of Online Store | 陳澤義 | 下載 |
王錦城 | Exploring Dysfunctional Customer Behavior Through Justice Theory: Empirical Study of TaoBao | 林靖 | 下載 |
張紫音 | Integration of DEMATEL and Network DEA for the Technical Efficiency of Taiwan’s Financial Holding Companies |
劉祥熹 | 下載 |
林弈辰 | Research Of Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies For Pop- Music - A Case of Pop Chinese Music In Taiwan |
劉祥熹 | 下載 |
研究生 | 論文題目 | 指導教授 | 摘要下載 |
Using service innovation to examine the effect of supply-side chain to channel performance: The case of garment industry
(以服務創新來檢驗供應鏈功能的效果:以成衣業為例) |
下載 |
Trust Building through Brand Marketing to Raise Consumer Value:The Case of Insurance Industry In Taiwan
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Effects on Brand Extension to Enlarge Product Performance: The Case of Jewelry Industry (透過品牌延伸對於產品績效之影響:以珠寶業為例) |
陳澤義 | 下載 |
The Contagion Effect of the European Debt Crisis on PIIS, BRICS, ASEAN 4, Four Asian Tigers and Developed Countries: Considering the Impact of the United States (歐債危機期間希臘對歐豬四國、金磚五國、東協四國、 亞洲四小龍及已開發國家的蔓延效果:考慮美國的影響) |
蕭榮烈 | 下載 |
許善淳 | A Study of International Investor Sentiment and Market Returns (跨國投資人情緒與市場報酬關係之研究) |
蕭榮烈 | 下載 |
吳函娟 | An alternative approach to bad news effects on volatility: The forecast performance of multiple-sign-o/s sensitive regime EGARCH model (MS-O/S-EGARCH) (壞消息對波動影響程度的另類方法) |
蕭榮烈 | 下載 |
鄺穎怡 | The Contagion Effects of European Debt Crisis to the Emerging Markets and Developed Markets (歐債危機對新興市場和成熟市場的蔓延效果) |
蕭榮烈 | 下載 |
周育如 | How Emotional Susceptibility Influences Consumers' Repurchase Behavior in Food Fraud Event (在食品詐欺事件中情緒易傳染性對消費者再購意願的影響) |
林靖 | 下載 |
周楷勳 | The Research between Avatar Identification and Purchase Intention: Empirical Study of Flow Experience of Online Game (網路角色認同對購買意圖之研究:線上遊戲沉浸體驗之實證研究) |
林靖 | 下載 |
許茜蓉 | From Brand Experience to Users' Behavior:An Empirical Analysis of Online Mobile Games (從品牌體驗探討使用者行為-手機線上遊戲實證分析) |
林靖 | 下載 |
杜芯慈 | A Study of Online Purchase Behavior of Expiration-dates Products in On/Offline Channel (虛實通路選擇之網路購買行爲-以即期品為例) |
林靖 | 下載 |
許卜元 | Volume-Synchronized Probability of Informed Trading and the Relationships among Intraday Trading Factors of Taiwan Equity Market (臺灣股票市場的同步成交量資訊交易機率與其和日內交易因素之關係) |
劉祥熹 涂登才 |
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張景翔 | Understanding Factors Affecting User Intentions toward Using Message App Alert Services during Banking Transactions (銀行交易中訊息應用程式服務之使用意圖影響因素之探討) |
劉祥熹 涂登才 |
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研究生 | 論文題目 | 指導教授 | 摘要下載 |
A Study on the Interactions and Interrelationships between Employee Motivation and Working Performance via the Intellectual Capital Investment: A Case Study of Department Stores in Taiwan.
(從投資智慧資本觀點探討員工激勵與工作績效之關聯性 -以台灣百貨公司為例-) |
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Impact of Single Stock Futures Trading on Stock Market Volatility -The Case of Taiwan Futures Market
(個股期貨交易對股票市場波動度的影響 -以台灣期貨市場為例) |
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The Stock Price Abnormal Return Trend Monitor of New Product Announcement on the Apple Supply Chain: Evidence from the Taiwan Stock Market
(新產品訊息宣告效應對蘋果供應鏈廠商股價異常報酬之偵測-以台灣股票市場為例) |
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The Effect of FED’s Quantitative Easing Policy on Foreign Exchange Turnover
(聯準會的量化寬鬆政策對於外匯市場交易量之影響) |
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The Effect of Introduction of QFII on Equity Return Correlation between A and B share Market: the Case of Chinese Stock Market
(引進合格境外機構投資人對A、B股相關係數之影響-以中國股市為例) |
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Stock Market Synchronization and Macroeconomic Variables
(國際股票市場連動性與總體經濟變數) |
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Adoption of IT Resources to Enhance Governance Mechanisms: A Comparative Study of Tourism Industry between Taiwan and Thailand
(運用IT資源強化治理機制之實證研究--台灣和泰國旅遊業之比較) |
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A Study on the Interactions between Brand Image and Customer Purchase Intention via Perceived Value:The Case of Fast Fashion Apparel Industry
(從知覺價值觀點探討品牌形象對顧客購買意願之研究 ─以快速時尚服飾為例)
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Understanding factors affecting user intentions towards using SMS alert services during banking transactions.
(了解用戶意圖的影響因素,針對使用銀行交易短信提醒服務者) |
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Asymmetric Dynamics in the Correlations of Global Equity Returns: A Empirical Study during the European T-bond crisis period
(歐債危機期間全球股市非對稱動態相關性之探討) |
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Effective Way to Enhance Consumer Value:The Case of Mobile Phone Industry
(提升消費者價值之有效途徑的探討: 以手機產業為例) |
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The Key Determinants of Work Motivation and Its Effects on Job Performance via Person-Organization Fit: A Case of Taiwanese-Invested Enterprises in Vietnam(
越籍員工進入台籍在越南國際企業工作動機決定因素及其對工作績效之影響:以個人與組織適配性觀點分析) |
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The Influence of the Cultural Brand Marketing Strategy to Consumer’s Opinion toward a Brand: Use the Application of Digital Archives in Cultural and Creative Industry as Example
(文化品牌行銷方式對消費者品牌意向的影響: 以文化創意產業中對數位典藏的加值運用為例)
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研究生 | 論文題目 | 指導教授 | 摘要下載 |
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An Assessment on the Efficiency of Operational Risk Management for Banking Industry Operating in Taiwan : An Application of Stochastic Frontier Approach
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Testing For The Chinese Finance Futures Market – A BEKK Approach
(期貨市場避險探討-BEKK model) |
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Measure asset return and volatility spillovers among international stock market
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Comparing the Hedging Performance – Empirical evidence from CSI300 index and index futures
(中國期貨、現貨、債券之避險績效-模型間比較) |
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Hierarchical determinants of dividend policy
(股利發放的層級因素) |
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The Price-Volume Variance Causality Test on the Chinese Stock Market- EC-GARCH Model
(中國期貨、股票、債券之因果-EC-GARCH Model ) |
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Measuring Value at Risk in Taiwanese Equity Market - An Application of AGDCC-GARCH Model
(台灣股市投資組合的value at risk) |
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The Effect of Disclosing Information on Taiwan Futures Returns and Volatility among Different Futures Traders
(買賣價差對台灣期貨市場報酬和波動的影響) |
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Cause and Consequence Factors of Cultural Product in Cultural and Creative Industry: A Case of Sky Lantern in Pengxi
(文化創意產業-以平溪天燈為例) |
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Comparison of Global Electricity Efficiency in Power Industry
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The Influencing Factors of Word of Mouth in Taiwan's Culture and Creative Movies Industry
(電影文化商品 ) |
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To Use of the Cultural Product and Cultural Landscape to Promote the Globalization of Cultural and Creative Industry of Ceramics in Yingge: With the Role of Strategic Alliance
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A Study on the interrelationship between brand image and continual integration via customer value: a case study of Tablet PC’s brand name.
(從顧客認知價值觀點探討品牌形象的決定因素及其對顧客購買意願之影響: 以平板電腦產業為例)
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A Comparative Analysis of Renewable Energy Efficiency among OECD countries
(OECD國家的再生能源效率分析) |
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研究生 | 論文題目 | 指導教授 | 摘要下載 |
A Study on the Interaction of School Innovation Management and School Selecting Intentions via Service Quality and School Image: The Case of Public Junior High Schools in Taoyuan County
(從學校形象與創新經營的觀點探討學校服務品質對選校意願之影響─以桃園縣公立國民中學為例) |
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The Study on Nonlinear Interactions and Volatility Smooth Transition ,Spillover Effect Between Stock and Foreign Exchange Markets:The Application of STVEC DCC- STGARCH and Evidence of Emerging and Developed CountriesBRICs
(巴俄印中)與G4(德英日加)股、匯市互動與波動傳遞之研究-STAR-STGARCH模型之運用) |
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The effects on stock return of consumer electronic industry through Marketing communication activities
(行銷溝通活動對消費性電子業股票報酬之影響) |
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The Effect of Exchange Rate Reform of RMB on Equity Return Volatility and Correlation in case of China and Pacific-Basin Stock Markets
(中國人民幣匯率改革對股市報酬波動與相關之影響 -以中國與亞太地區股市為例-) |
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A Study on Variables Influencing Attitudinal Loyalty and Behavioral Loyalty: A Case of Starbucks
(影響態度忠誠及行為忠誠之變數影響探討-) 以星巴克為例 |
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The Effect Of The Introduction Of Futures Contract On The Spot Market Volatility : Evidence From Chinese Stock Market
(中國大陸期貨市場對現貨市場之衝擊 ) |
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Measuring Management Performance of America’s Coffee Franchise-Using Data Envelopment Analysis
(加盟對連鎖加盟咖啡業之影響-資料包絡分析法之運用) |
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The Economic Factors and the Firm-specific Factors’ Influence on the Stocks’ Excess Return Using Bayes’ Theorem
(以層級貝式估計法探討總體經濟因子與非風險因子對個股超額報酬率之影響 ) |
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The Study on Correlation and Hedge Effect among China Shanghai Securities Composite Index , Hong Kong Hang Seng China Enterprises Index and Hong Kong Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Future -The Application of Major Effect, VEC DCC GJR-GARCH Model
(大陸股市與香港H股、紅籌股與香港H股為標的的期貨之連動關係與避險比率- GTR GARCH與COPULA-GARCH之應用) |
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An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Taiwan Depositary Receipts and Their Underlying Securities
(台灣存託憑證與原股關係之探討) |
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An Evaluation on the Operational Effecting and its Related Effects by Internationalization, Risk and Foreign Ownership: An Application of Three-Stage Super SBM VRS model with Neural Networks
(考慮國際化、風險因素、外人直接投資與研發投入之台灣銀行經營效率評估-整合三階段DEA與類神經網絡之應用) |
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An Assessment On The Efficiency Of Operational Risk Management For Banking Industry Operating In Taiwan: An Application Of Stochastic Frontier Approach
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An Investigation of Influencing Factors of Market Competition Capability of Palm Oil Firm of Indonesia
(印尼的棕櫚油企業的市場競爭能力影響因素研究) |
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A Study on the Effect of Travel Integrated Marketing Communication to Travel Intension via Customer Travel Motive and Customer Travel Values : A Case of Mongolian Tourism
(從顧客旅遊動機與顧客旅遊價值觀點探討旅遊業整合行銷溝通對顧客旅遊意願之影響-蒙古觀光旅遊為例) |
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研究生 | 論文題目 | 指導教授 | 摘要下載 |
A Study on the Overconfidence of Individual and Institutional Investors in Taiwan Stock Market:An Application of Double-Threshold GARCH Model
(台灣股市散戶與法人之過度自信比較研究 -- Double Threshold 模型之應用) |
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A Study on the Dynamic Correlations Among US Stock, Treasury Bond and Treasury Bond Futures Markets under the Crisis of Subprime Mortgage and Financial Tsunami:The Application of VEC DCC GJR-GARCH Model and VEC Copula GJR-GARCH-skewed-t Model
(次級房貸危機及金融海嘯下股市與公債期現貨市場聯動性之研究 -- 台美股債市案例及DCC模型與Copula- GARCH模型之應用) |
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Volatility Transm mition Effects of Stock Prices among Taiwan, Germany, France, Netherlands, Italy, England and US.
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A Study on Antecedent and Consequent Variables of Influencing Global Brand Cognition: Case of Notebook Brand
(影響全球化品牌認知之前因與後果變數探討 : 以筆記型電腦品牌為例) |
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Volatility Comovement and Contagion Effect among Stock Markets of Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong and Australia : An Application of Multivariate Asymmetric GARCH and Effect from Events of Financial Tsunami or Subprime Mortgage Crisis and the 911 Terrorism
(台灣、日本、香港與澳洲股市間波動共移與蔓延效果:兼論VEC-GJR DCC-GARCH模型之應用與美伊戰爭、次級房貸及金融海嘯之影響)
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James Hill
The Effects of Corporate Resources and Market Characteristics on Entry Mode via Country Specific Factors: A Case of Financial Services and Electronic Manufacturing Sectors in the UK and Taiwan
(雙向外來投資,進入策略選擇和決定因素英國和台灣的情況) |
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研究生 | 論文題目 | 指導教授 | 摘要下載 |
A Study on the Relations between Customer Relationship Management and Passenger Traveling Intension via the Relationship Quality and Relationship Value : A Case of Taiwan Airline Companies
(台灣航空業導入顧客關係管理系統決定因素及對搭乘意願之研究—以關係品質與關係價值觀點之分析) |
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A Study on the Interactions, Volatility Spillovers, and Long Memory Effects for Stock and Futures Markets of Taiwan Electronic and Financial Indexes: The Mediating Effect of Foreign Capital and hedge effect of American Futures and an Application of FIEC-
(台灣電子與金融期現貨市場互動性坡動外亦與長期記憶之研究—兼論外資介入與美國期貨避險效果及FIEC-HYGARCH之應用) |
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A Study on the Interactions, Long Memory and Volatility Spillovers Effects for Stock, Futures,and Options Markets of Taiwan Weighted Stock Index: The Mediating Effect of Foreign Capital and Hedging Effect of S&P500 Futures and an Application of FIVAR-HYGA
(台指期現貨與選擇權市場關聯性、長期記憶與波動外溢效果之研究—FIEC-HYGARCH模型應用及外資介入與美國S&P500期貨之避險效果) |
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A Study on the Interactions of Spot Exchange Rate and the Efficiency of Exchange Markets among Taiwan, Hong Kong and Japan : An Application of VEC GJR-GARCH Model and Panel Cointegration
(臺、港、日、新即期匯率互動性與外匯市場效率性—VEC TGARCH-in-Mean模型與Panel VEC模型之應用) |
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研究生 | 論文題目 | 指導教授 | 摘要下載 |
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A Study on the Interactions Between Viral Marketing and Purchase Intention Via Customer-Based Brand Equity
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Momentum and Reversals in Equity Returns of Abnormal Turnover and Return Dispersion of Taiwan Stock Market
(台灣股市極端週轉率與報酬離散程度對報酬動能和反轉影響之研究) |
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碩士生 | 論文題目/期刊名稱卷期 | 本校合著教授 | 年份 |
朱家慧 Chu, Chia-hui |
Storytelling and Brand Identity in Cultural Digital Archives Industry. International Journal of Information and Management Sciences, 25(2), 157-179. https://doi.org/10.6186/IJIMS.2014.25.2.5 | 陳澤義 |
2014 TSSCI |
萬子維 Wan, Tzu-Wei |
Cause and Consequence Factors of Cultural Product in Cultural and Creative Industry: A Case of Sky Lantern in Pengxi. Far East Journals of Business and Psychology, 2(3),42-58. https://ideas.repec.org/a/fej/articl/v10cy2013i4p42-58.html | 陳澤義 | 2013 |
王悠慈 Wang, Yu-Tzu |
Relationship between Correlations and Volatilities of Global Equity Returns: An Empirical Study of the Eurozone Debt Crisis. International Business Research, 7(6). https://doi.org/10.5539/ibr.v7n6p30 |
蕭榮烈 吳雪伶 |
2014 |
Yen, Chung-hao |
Brand Extension to Enlarge Product Performance in the Jewelry Industry. Marketing Review, 12(1), 27-47. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0023-2811201414222838 |
陳澤義 劉祥熹 |
2015 |
碩士生 | 論文題目/期刊名稱卷期 | 本校合著教授 | 年份 |
張進益 Chang, Chin-I |
How different advertising formats and calls to action on videos affect advertising recognition and consequent behaviours. Service Industries Journal, 40(5–6), 358–379. https://doi.org/10.1080/02642069.2018.1480724 | 陳澤義 |
2020 SSCI |
王亞柔 Wang, Ya-Jou |
The drivers of desirability in scarcity marketing. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 33(4), 924–944. https://doi.org/10.1108/apjml-03-2020-0187 | 陳澤義 |
2020 SSCI |
李雨璇 Li, Yu-Syuan |
Exploring The Impact of Consumer Trust on Inertia Purchase from E-Purchasing Environment. Electronic Commerce Studies, 14(4),409-445. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=17262364-201612-201701240005-201701240005-409-445 |
陳澤義 陳建榮 |
2016 |
吳思瑩 Wu, Shih-Yin |
Examine the Effect on Website Stickiness Using Cognitive Information Cues. Corporate Management Review, 39(1), 49-81. https://doi.org/10.3966/102873102019063901002 | 陳澤義 |
2019 TSSCI |
汪剛霆 Wang, Kang-Ting |
The Influence of Persuasion Knowledge, Third-Person Perception, and Affect on Coping Behavior in the Instagram Stories Feature. Corporate Management Review, 39(2), 69-116. http://dx.doi.org/10.3966/102873102019123902003 | 陳澤義 |
2019 TSSCI |
羅文君 Lo, Wen-chun |
Impacts on Online Impulse Purchase through Perceived Cognition. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 29(5), 319–330. https://doi.org/10.1080/08961530.2017.1367208 | 陳澤義 | 2017 |
李志剛 Li, Zhi-gang |
Stimulus on Online Impulse Purchase from Consumers’ Affect Perspective. Soochow Journal of Economics and Business, 95, 23-56. https://cbrd.scu.edu.tw/sites/default/files/CK-02.PDF |
陳澤義 陳建榮 |
2017 |
陳宣妤 Chen, Hsuan-yu |
Effect of Consumers' Emotional State on Their Impulse Purchase on e-Marketing. International Journal of Commerce and Strategy, 9(3), 141-162. https://doi.org/10.3966/207321472017090903001 | 陳澤義 | 2017 |
粱家維 Liang, Chia-Wei |
Using Supply-Side-Chain Functions to Enhance Channel Performance (Revised Version). American Journal of Service Science and Management. 4(2), 17-26. http://www.openscienceonline.com/journal/ajssm |
陳澤義 | 2017 |
黃品璇 Huang, Pin-hsuan |
The Effects of Recommendation Systems on Customers’ Brand Identity toward Full-service Restaurants. Customer Satisfaction Journal. 13(1), 45-76. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=18164668-201703-201702180026-201702180026-45-76 | 陳澤義 | 2017 |
張家維 Chang, Yu-Wei |
The Impacts of Domain Knowledge and Personal Traits on Decoy Effects. International Journal of Business Economics and Management Research, 7(12), 1-15. https://www.scirea.org/journal/PaperInformation?PaperID=136 |
陳澤義 涂登才 |
2016 |
陳玫君 Chen, Mei-Chun |
Factors Influencing Equity Return Correlations between China’s Pairs of A- and B-Share Markets: Effect of QFII’s Implementation, International Journal of Financial Research, 8(2), 105-123. https://doi.org/10.5430/ijfr.v8n2p105 |
蕭榮烈 涂登才 |
2017 |
碩士生 | 論文題目/期刊名稱卷期 | 本校合著教授 | 年份 |
林思妤 Lin, Ssu-Yu |
The Efficiency-oriented and Value-oriented Route in the Value-building Framework of Green Businesses. Journal of Management and Systems, 28(2), 157-194. https://doi.org/10.29416/JMS.202104_28(2).0002 |
陳澤義 吳雪伶 |
2021 TSSCI |
陳伯亨 Chen, Bo-Heng |
Driving Forces of Repurchasing Social Enterprise Products. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 37(2), 447-460. https://doi.org/10.1108/jbim-08-2020-0381 |
吳雪伶 陳澤義 |
2021 SSCI |
黃郁蓁 Huang, Yu-Chen |
Exploring How Gamification Design Drives Game Users' Co-Creation Behavior in Taiwan. Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 9(4), 109–120. https://doi.org/10.13106/jafeb.2022.vol9.no4.0109 |
陳澤義 李佩芳 |
2022 |
紀辰頤 Chi, Chen-Yi |
Various Social Media Marketing Activities Affect Onlinebrand Trust. Corporate Management Review, 42(2), 125-156. http://dx.doi.org/10.53106/102873102022124202004 | 陳澤義 | 2022
李芳瑀 Lee, Fang-Yu |
The Impact of Internet Celebrity Characteristics on Followers’ Impulse Purchase Behavior: The Mediation of Attachment and Parasocial Interaction, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 15(3), 483-501. https://doi.org/10.1108/jrim-09-2020-0183 | 陳澤義 |
2021 SSCI |
鄧偲 Deng, Si |
Effect of channel integration quality on consumer responses within omni-channel retailing. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 35(1), 149–173. https://doi.org/10.1108/apjml-04-2021-0270 |
陳澤義 吳雪伶 |
2023 SSCI |
戴志丞 Tai, Zhi-Cheng |
Appearance and media popularity affecting experiential gift-giving. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 35(9), 2198–2215. https://doi.org/10.1108/apjml-08-2022-0653 |
陳澤義 吳雪伶 |
2023 SSCI |
林彥伶 Lin, Yen-Ling |
How substitute scarcity appeals effect on experiential gift’s purchase intention? Chinese Management Studies, 17(4), 755–769. https://doi.org/10.1108/cms-09-2021-0411 | 陳澤義 | 2023
黃雅玟 Huang, Ya-Wen |
The influence of self-disclosure micro-celebrity endorsement on subsequent brand attachment: from an emotional connection perspective. Service Industries Journal, 1–28. https://doi.org/10.1080/02642069.2023.2209514 | 陳澤義 | 2023
楊雨琳 Yang, Yu-lin |
Investigating the Immediacy and Flow Factors to Influence Purchase Intention in Live Video Streaming Shopping, Commerce & Management Quarterly (商管科技季刊), 25(1), 99-126. |
陳澤義 李佩芳 |
2024 |
吳家蓉 Wu, Jia-Rong |
The impact of old products and new ideology on consumers' new product purchase intention. Journal of Business Administration, 46(1), 53-78. https://doi.org/10.3966/102596272021030461003 | 李佩芳 | 2021 |
許婕明 Hsu, Jie-Ming |
Exploring How Electronic Word-of-mouth’s Communication Features Affect Its Adoption. Soochow Journal of Economics and Business, accepted and forthcoming. |
陳澤義 李佩芳 |
2024 |
阮俊樺 Yun, Jiun-Hua |
How Google Advertisements Attract Consumers’ Call-to-action and Electronic Word-of-mouth. Asia Marketing Journal, accepted and forthcoming. |
陳澤義 吳雪伶 |
2024 |